Thursday, December 17, 2009

Update 2: Thursday, December 17th

Hi everyone,

My mom's first round of chemotherapy started on Monday and Tuesday of this week. She stayed overnight in the hospital Monday then was able to go home after further treatment Tuesday. Round one will be over after her next bout of chemo on Monday the 21st and then she'll be getting a break from chemo until January 4th when her second round begins.

So far she has been tolerating the treatment very well and she wanted me to let everyone know how thankful she is for all of the support, love and prayers she's been receiving.

Happy Holidays!


Thursday, December 10, 2009


Hello everyone,

Carol, Hannah and I want to thank everyone for all your thoughts and prayers along with all the flowers, cards, food, baskets and other kind gestures.
We are on our way to the hospital today so Carol can receive 3 ports that will be used for her chemotherapy that will start Monday and Tuesday of next week.
Please feel free to pass along this site to others since we do not have all of our family and friends e-mails.
Thank You

Hannah O'Donnell said...

Hi Everyone,

Like my Dad said, thank you so much not only for all of the thoughts, prayers and support you've given our family but also for filling in for me while I'm in New York. It means a lot to our family to have so many great friends standing by and helping my Mom through this difficult time.

Please continue praying as she begins chemotherapy next week!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Carol O'Donnell

Welcome to Carol O'Donnell Blog page.

I will be updating this blog along with Carol and Hannah to let everyone know what is happening with Carol.