Thursday, December 17, 2009

Update 2: Thursday, December 17th

Hi everyone,

My mom's first round of chemotherapy started on Monday and Tuesday of this week. She stayed overnight in the hospital Monday then was able to go home after further treatment Tuesday. Round one will be over after her next bout of chemo on Monday the 21st and then she'll be getting a break from chemo until January 4th when her second round begins.

So far she has been tolerating the treatment very well and she wanted me to let everyone know how thankful she is for all of the support, love and prayers she's been receiving.

Happy Holidays!


1 comment:

  1. We've been thinking of you and sending you our prayers. Hannah, thanks for posting the update on this blog. Have a wonderful Christmas together! Hope to see you in the new year.

    Donna, Jerry, Brenna and Colleen
