Sunday, January 3, 2010

Update 3: Sunday, January 3

Hi everyone! Happy New Year!
Carol's mom, dad, brother Lee and sisters Debby and Penny were able to come to Cleveland and ring in the new year with her. It was great that they were able to visit with her and lift her spirits.

On December 31, Carol had to go to the hospital and have her port checked out to make sure that it was in the correct place and hadn't moved. She has been experiencing a lot of pain in and around the port site and it caused concern. Fortunately, the test result was normal and an additional operation to move the port is unnecessary.

Carol's second round of chemotherapy which was originally scheduled to begin tomorrow has been pushed back a week to commence on the 11th of January due to her low blood count.

My mom is doing well and since the holidays are over she's going to be able to fully focus on staying strong and her healing process. We hope everyone had a great new year's celebration, please continue to pray and once again thank you all for the unwavering support you've given our family.


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